It's my second week participating in the Shades Of Inspiration challenge. This weeks challenge is BLUE... Well being a mother & wife, I have plenty of blues.. LOL (pun intended) .But on a more serious note, I found this challenge to be exceptional. It forced me to step out of my comfort zone, even more than ever.So please check out this sample from my blue collection. The photo on the left is the 'real' sky as reflected in the vintage candelabra. However, the photo on the right is the sky w/a 'boost' of color.Enjoy!NJT
OK so I mentioned that I have a new camera - the Canon Powershot A590 IS... and I may have mentioned that I joined the Shades of Inspiration challenge. Well this is my second week of it and boy am I psyched!From what I understand the 1st was a spin off from "Sara, I Saw Red", well the challenge was such a hit, that folks saw green, white and now blue.. LOL
Anywho, I joined in with the week of "Creams & Whites". I only listed 4 pictures but they got encouraging reviews... "My Wheels" was even marked as a favorite by Sadie Olive's Sara who started the challenge. Thank you Sara, it really means more that you will ever now.My second white photo was simply of my gutter but after I started taking the picture, it meant more to me. I am a very visual person, so I use pictures as my visual aids. This one I simply titled "My gut feelings..." LOL It did get a reaction - one viewer commented "Thats a mighty strong gut feeling! my stomach is clinching!"I guess I got across the meaning of what I was feeling at the time. LOL I will post this week's challenge 'The Blues' tomorrow. I have a couple of pictures in it that I truly love!Enjoy.. and do something you love doing today... and share it with the rest of us!NJT
Hey - here's one of my new creations photographed with my new camera. I did list this on Etsy and to be honest, I am quite nervous. I usually share my wares face to face via a craft show or as a personal gift. I know - we are our own worst critics. What are you hard on yourself about?This is also my photography debut... well not really.. but it's my 1st real digital camera - the Canon A590 IS. SO, I am getting use to it and posting at the same time. If you have any helpful hints or constructive criticism, encouragement - please do share! I recently joined the Shades of Inspiration an online photography challenge that inspires through weekly color photo assignments! Come along for the ride.. it should be entertaining to follow my quest to be a story teller... through pictures.Please Enjoy!NJT
UPDATE - POLL RESULTS!1. Thrift & Garage/Yard Sale - Tied 1st place @ 25 votes a piece!2. Estate & Rummage Sales tied 2nd place @ 16 votes each!3. Flea Market/Swaps is 3rd placewith 14 votes.*Auctions, Antique Shops, Classifieds & Consignments respectively rounded out the poll!Although the poll is now closed ~ you may still weigh in via the comment section.Thanks!NJT(edited 9/19/08)____________________________________________________________________I originally posed this question to a group of T2T message board members. While loving all the choices - most made great arguments for their preferences. They also introduced other venues* to the discussion.So here goes.. which do you prefer when purchasing... (freecycle, curbside shopping & dumpster diving aside - I know free is best!) But which do you like and WHY? I invite you to answer the poll<== and add your comments!Garage/Yard SaleThrift StoreRummage SaleAntique Shops*Classifieds (Newspaper/Craigslist etc)*Flea MarketsSwap Meets (where you buy)*Estate SalesConsignment Shops*Auction*--------------------- As originally posted-----------------I am now realizing that I love thrift stores... especially when I make an ally of the owner/manager... but really any thrift shoppe will do...BUT I love the Rummage Sale over the garage/yard sale any day.Rummage sale folks are motivated to sell because they don't want to lug that stuff home or store at the (church or place of sale).Flea markets are cool - but like yard sales.. these people are in it for the money - so it's more work to haggle the price down. However, flea markets have competition so - they are more motivated that yard/garage folk.Yard/garage folk can get very annoyed if you haggle... Some will rather throw out an item (or put it back in the house) rather than give you a better price.. i know this cause i can get like that myself.. especially if I don't like the potential buyer (lol - just being real y'all)So what's your favorite? Inquiring minds would like to know?Here's my definitions (not law - just what I've noticed in my town & travels)Thrift Shoppe - Usually open 3-5 days a week (maybe more) in the same store location). Used, sometimes new items in retail location.Yard/Garage Sale - Usually a place of residence from Spring thru Fall seasons. (if don't live in warm climate places). Usually used or old never used items.Rummage Sale - Usually held at Church or Rec Center.. maybe held twice a year. Usually used/vintage items.Flea Market - Held more frequently that Rummage sales - Usually weekly year-around.. vendors often deal in antique, vintage and *new* items.**Estate Sales - I consider these like a rummage since the motivation is to move the items in a short appt. time.**INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW? LOL